Thai Police

Elite Crime Squad

Bangkok’s streets just got a dose of high-octane law enforcement, as the city introduces its latest action-packed sequel: Pa Cha Da (Fearless) – The Elite Crime Squad. Picture this: eighteen specially trained officers, not just any officers, mind you, but towering avatars of justice, all cruising on Honda Phantom choppers. These aren’t your garden-variety patrol bikes; these are the kind of motorcycles that make criminals think twice and pedestrians do a double-take.

Clad in black uniforms that could make even the most hardened fashion critics nod in approval, the Pa Cha Da unit is rolling out to turn Bangkok’s hotspots like Victory Monument and Khao San Road into no-crime zones. Their mission? To put the brakes on villainy and turbocharge public trust in the boys (and possibly girls) in black.

But wait, there’s more! Aside from making petty criminals reconsider their life choices, these guardians of the metropolis are also VIP bodyguards. Kidnappers, bag snatchers, and unruly demonstrators best beware because the Pa Cha Da unit is trained to deal with everything from hostage crises to impromptu street protests with the kind of efficiency that would make a Swiss watchmaker jealous.

So, if you’re in Bangkok and you spot a squadron of black-clad figures zooming past on their choppers, don’t panic. It’s just the Pa Cha Da unit, making sure the city’s streets are as safe as a kitten in a basket of yarn. And to the ne’er-do-wells out there, consider this a heads-up: Bangkok’s got a new batch of crime fighters, and they’re not here to play games. Unless, of course, the game is “Catch the Crook,” in which case, game on.

Bangkok Police Launch Elite Motorcycle Unit to Combat Urban Crime

BANGKOK: In a move to bolster city safety and restore public trust in law enforcement, the Metropolitan Police Division 1 unveiled a new rapid response unit on Saturday, spearheaded by Division Commander Pol Maj Gen Wichai Sangprapai.

Dubbed as a proactive step against urban crime, the unit has been equipped with 18 Honda Phantom choppers, signaling a high-octane approach to policing in Bangkok’s bustling streets. The team comprises 18 officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, who tower at a minimum height of 180cm, handpicked from eight city police stations including Dusit, Sam Sen, Makkasan, Phaya Thai, Din Daeng, Huay Kwang, Nang Loeng, and Chana Songkhram.

These officers have undergone rigorous training to prepare for a variety of scenarios ranging from crime prevention to swift interventions in bag-snatching incidents and hostage situations. They are also tasked with supporting traffic management in congested areas.

Outfitted in striking black uniforms, complete with project insignia, name, and rank, the unit also dons black crash helmets, glasses, boots, and is equipped with first aid kits, showcasing a significant investment exceeding 2 million baht. Operating daily from 6am to 6pm, the unit will deploy two officers per district to critical areas such as the Victory Monument, Khao San Road, bus stops, shopping malls, and electric train stations.

Pol Lt Col Saming Rodrattasa of Din Daeng Police Station, who leads the Pa Cha Da unit, emphasized the coordination with existing patrol units to monitor main roads and surveil for suspicious activities, while other patrols will cover the minor roads.

With a rotation of leadership among police chiefs from each participating station, the unit also boasts special assignments, including VIP protection and rapid intervention during demonstrations, promising response times under 10 minutes.

Members of the unit, including Pol Lt Col Somporn Choonun and Pol Sgt Maj Witthaya Nopparat of Din Daeng Station, expressed pride and commitment to their roles. Nopparat highlighted his training in weapons use, confident that the unit’s presence will significantly reduce the capital’s crime rate.


Introducing Bangkok’s latest crime-fighting marvel: the Pa Cha Da unit! This elite squad, armed with nothing but their wits, black uniforms, and the ability to look intimidating on Honda Phantom choppers, is the city’s newest answer to… well, mostly to looking incredibly cool while ostensibly deterring crime. With only two officers per district, they’re not exactly poised to launch a full-scale war on petty crime, but they sure are set to boost the public’s faith in flashy law enforcement theatrics.

But let’s peel back the curtain on Pa Cha Da’s true mission, shall we? Beyond the smoke and mirrors of crime-fighting, this unit’s secret sauce lies in its ability to disperse political demonstrations with the grace of a ballet dancer and the speed of a gazelle. That’s right, those Songkran shenanigans with the Red Shirts? Consider Pa Cha Da Bangkok’s very own superhero response team, primed to protect VIPs from the merest hint of a protest sign.

As for their day-to-day operations, one can only imagine the thrilling blend of traffic direction, occasional cat-saving, and the high-octane chase of an errant street vendor. And should a demonstration dare to rear its head, Pa Cha Da will be there faster than you can say “political unrest,” ready to restore order and ensure that VIPs can proceed to their next appointment unscathed.

The real spectacle, however, will be watching this unit navigate the intricate dance of public service and political maneuvering. Will they become the beloved guardians of the city or merely a stylish flash in the pan? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Bangkok’s streets just got a whole lot more interesting.