Severed Head Bangkok Bridge

Deceased Identified

This is a follow-up story to Severed Head

Italian Man Found Dead at Rama VIII Bridge Identified as Maurizio Tosabori

BANGKOK: In a recent development, Deputy Police Commissioner-General Jongrak Chuthanont clarified the identity of the individual found deceased at the Rama VIII Bridge, initially believed to be a missing Italian tourist. At a press conference on Wednesday, Jongrak announced that the man previously suspected to have died by suicide was, in fact, alive. The actual victim has now been correctly identified as 53-year-old Italian citizen Maurizio Tosabori.

The mix-up began when another Italian, Jaeta Jiovani, 49, was reported missing from the Rex Hotel over the weekend, leading authorities to mistakenly associate him with the incident at the bridge. However, confirmation from the Italian Embassy and further investigation revealed the true identity of the deceased as Tosabori.

Tosabori had been renting a room on Khao San Road from landlord Wimol Jaijong, who reported that Tosabori was unable to pay his rent and had been asked to leave. Wimol last saw Tosabori on Saturday, with the grim discovery of Tosabori’s head hanging by the bridge following on Sunday, and his body was retrieved on Monday.

Further details emerged about the circumstances leading to Tosabori’s tragic end. Suffering from unemployment and chronic illnesses, including persistent coughing and a stomach tumor, Tosabori was under significant distress. He had been staying for free at a hostel owned by Wimon Jongjai on Khao San Road. Tosabori vanished shortly after being asked to vacate his room to make space for a worker.

Police found Tosabori’s belongings, including his passport, in his hostel room. A poignant letter addressed to Mrs. Wimon was also discovered, expressing gratitude for her hospitality and apologizing for his inability to pay the rent, shedding light on the despair that preceded his suicide.

This case has drawn attention to the complex issues of mental health and the support systems available for foreigners facing difficulties abroad.


Closing the Curtain on a Tragicomedy: The Final Act of Maurizio Tosadori

In a narrative twist that could only be concocted in the labyrinthine streets of Bangkok, the saga of Maurizio Tosadori reaches its bittersweet conclusion. This is not your typical holiday brochure story; rather, it’s the kind of tale that makes you double-check your passport and reflect on the existential perils of unpaid rent in foreign lands.

Once upon a time, a 53-year-old Italian named Maurizio found himself in a Shakespearean tragedy, minus the tights and the Elizabethan prose. Maurizio, our protagonist, embarked on a journey to the Land of Smiles, only to find himself in a grim narrative involving a bridge, a misunderstanding of Shakespearean proportions, and a case of mistaken identity that would leave even the Bard scratching his head.

As the final act unfolds, we learn that the man previously thought to have exited stage left from life’s performance at the Rama VIII Bridge was, in fact, enjoying an extended intermission. The plot thickens when the real Maurizio Tosadori steps into the spotlight, a twist that would have tabloids and tragedians alike reaching for their quills.

Our tale takes a turn towards the tragic as Maurizio, plagued by the specters of unemployment and a series of health woes straight out of a Victorian novel, decides to pen his final act. In a room borrowed on the scenic but unforgiving Khao San Road, he leaves behind not just belongings but a letter—a poignant epilogue thanking his landlady for her hospitality and apologizing for his inability to settle his debts, in a gesture that tugs at the heartstrings of even the most stoic of souls.

As the curtain falls on this tragicomedy, we’re left with a tale that’s part cautionary, part mystery, and entirely human. Maurizio Tosadori’s final bow reminds us of the fragility of life, the complexity of the human experience, and the undeniable fact that sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. And so, dear readers, we close the book on this chapter, with a nod to the mysteries of life, the kindness of strangers, and the enduring allure of tales that remind us of the depth and breadth of the human condition.


Italian Tourist Identified as Victim in Tragic Bangkok Bridge Incident

BANGKOK: Thai authorities have resolved the grim case of a decapitated foreigner found this weekend, identifying the victim as Italian tourist Maurizio Tosadori, who reportedly took his own life in despair after eviction from his lodging for unpaid rent.

Deputy Police Commissioner General Jongrak Chuthanont announced on Wednesday that Tosadori, a 54-year-old architect from Verona, Italy, was the individual whose head was discovered in a shocking state, suspended by a mountain-climbing rope beneath Bangkok’s Rama VIII Bridge, a structure spanning the Chao Phraya River in the city’s northeast.

The discovery of Tosadori’s head on Sunday was followed by the retrieval of his body from the river on Monday. Jongrak detailed that Tosadori had been in Thailand since February 6, arriving from Cambodia, and had been residing at a guesthouse on Khao Sarn Road, a known backpacker’s haven. He was evicted the Saturday prior to the tragic discovery due to overdue rent.

Wimol Jaijong, who operates the guesthouse, noted Tosadori’s frequent illnesses and the assortment of medications found in his room, painting a picture of a man battling health issues far from home.

Initial investigations entertained the possibility of a crime, with suspicions of a message from organized crime due to the manner of Tosadori’s death. However, autopsy results suggested suicide as the cause, with the severe impact of a 5-meter fall and the force of gravity believed to have caused the separation of his head from his body. This theory was further supported by blood spatter found on the bridge directly above the site where Tosadori’s head was found.

Police are conducting DNA analysis on the blood samples to confirm their origin as part of Tosadori’s, as stated by Lieutenant Colonel Atcharat Haemthanon.

Compounding the tragedy is a cryptic message left on the bridge railing, reading, “Cath. I want but I cannot. … I came to Bangkok to be with you,” suggesting a deeper personal turmoil behind Tosadori’s final act. The identity of “Cath” and the full context of the message remain enigmatic, leaving unanswered questions in an already heart-wrenching case.