David Carradine

David Carradine, Thai Rath and the FBI

David Carradine’s Family Expresses Outrage Over Death Investigation in Thailand

The family of the late actor David Carradine has voiced significant criticism against Thai authorities following the star’s mysterious death in Bangkok. They expressed being “profoundly disturbed” by a Thai newspaper’s publication of a forensic photo and have raised concerns over the competency of the Thai pathologist handling the case. In seeking justice for Carradine, the family is pushing for involvement from the FBI and has warned of potential legal action against Thai media outlets that publish further post-mortem photographs.

Despite these strong demands, including requests for assistance from the FBI and an independent pathologist, US officials have yet to formally respond to the family’s pleas. Meanwhile, Thai officials, led by Pol Col Somprasong Yenthaum of the Bangkok police, maintain confidence in their investigation’s direction, noting that US embassy representatives were present during the examination of Carradine’s hotel room.

Pol Col Somprasong highlighted that while the Carradine family has the right to request FBI assistance, any formal collaboration would require approval from Thailand’s attorney general. He emphasized the capability of Thai police to conduct the investigation independently if necessary.

The case’s chief forensic investigator, Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand, is Thailand’s leading pathologist and holds international credibility. Her preliminary findings suggest Carradine died from asphyxiation without evidence of a struggle, promising a comprehensive report within weeks.

Amidst growing speculation and the Carradine family’s dissatisfaction, Keith Carradine, David’s brother, has engaged with the FBI, confirmed by attorney Mark Geragos. The actor’s body has been repatriated for an independent autopsy by renowned US pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, aimed at exploring the possibility of third-party involvement.

Thai police, after examining surveillance footage and conducting staff interviews, have nearly dismissed foul play in Carradine’s death. Speculation around accidental self-asphyxiation during a private act has been fueled by a controversial photo published by Thai Rath newspaper, showing the deceased in a compromising position. The source of this invasive image remains undisclosed, though police suspect it was taken by their forensic team.

Keith Carradine’s statement condemned the photo’s release and hinted at legal repercussions for any further dissemination, underlining the family’s distress and determination to uncover the truth behind David Carradine’s tragic end.


Oh, the shock and awe – Thai Rath, Thailand’s favorite sensationalist tabloid, strikes again. Publishing a photo that no one asked for, they’ve managed to uphold their sterling reputation for tactlessness. According to the Bangkok Bugle, this is just another day at the office for them, while also hinting at the delicious irony of David Carradine’s family gearing up for a legal showdown.

The Carradines are fuming, not just over the paparazzi-level invasion of privacy but also at what they perceive as a comedy of errors by the Thai forensic team led by Pornthip and the local constabulary. It seems the Thai police, in their infinite wisdom, have nearly dismissed any foul play faster than a street vendor flips a pancake. After all, why entertain a complex investigation when a simpler, more tourist-friendly narrative exists? Especially when it’s a case that could tarnish the glossy postcard image Thailand prefers to present to the world.

Now, as we twiddle our thumbs in anticipation, the stage is set for the final act: the release of Pornthip’s magnum opus (the autopsy report) and Dr. Michael Baden’s Hollywood-worthy second opinion. Will it be a tale of accidental misadventure or a plot thick with intrigue? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure – it’s bound to be more gripping than Thailand’s approach to investigative journalism.